Театральная компания ЗМ

Yury Kvyatkovsky

Yury Kvyatkovsky, born in1982 and a graduate of the Moscow Art Theatre School, is a theatre director and lecturer at the Moscow Art Theatre School. He is one of the founders of the creative group Le Cirque de Sharles La Tannes. Some of Kvyatkovsky’s major works as a director at various theatres include: “Сops on Fire” and “Cristal World” (Le Cirque de Sharles La Tannes, Moscow); “It Is Also Me. Verbatim” (Praktika Theatre, Moscow); “The Second Vision” (Boyar Chambers, Moscow); “Dollhouse” (Priyut Kommedianta Theatre, St. Petersburg), “Shakespeare. Labyrinth” (Theatre of Nations, Moscow); “Pyramide” (Museon Park, Moscow), “Caries of Capitalism” (Meyerhold Centre, Moscow). In various years Yury Kvyatkovsky has been a nominee of the Golden Mask National Theatre Award.